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Jun 18, 2019 The structural organization of intestinal blood flow is such as to allow for intramural collateral flow. Redistribution phenomena due to different... 31ebe8ef48 chrileio
by S Ayazi 2020 Cited by 1 References Helvetius J.C.A.. Observations anatomiques sur l'estomac de l'homme. Mem Acad Sci. DeMeester T.R.; Johnson L.F.. Position of the.... by GB Faguet 2014 Cited by 84 tical Manual of Treatments and Diets), and proposed feeding enemas to keep ... leg,46 and Pierre Paul Broca whose M emoire sur l'anatomie pathologique du ... companions/ebook.jsf? ... cancer de l'estomac trait e par les rayons Roent- gen.. 8. Cune D, Delamare G. Anatomie et his- tologie des lymphatiques de l'estomac. J Anat Physiol 1900. 9. Poierier V, Charpy A. Trait d'Anatomie Humaine, 2, f.