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F5 key not working Why is this so hard? It's one thing after another. Now the F5 key (quicksave) is not working... Anyone got any ideas how to fix.... Jun 17, 2020 I found that if I pressed Function + F5, the program would run. ... Note: Running Python 3 - but I do not think this is an issue with Idle or Python - I.... Sep 13, 2019 Photoshop keyboard shortcuts are the default. I have a problem. shift + F5 does not work correctly. Running select> grow instead of fill. Is there a... 538a28228e alasona
Hey KC_zootopia! Sorry to hear that the F5 key was not working. Have you tried resetting your key bindings to see if this helps? How long has this been happening.... Jun 26, 2018 Everything was working absolutely fine, without any problem. Today my ... F5 is the Functional key for enabling/disabling touchpad. I just tried.... Solution Check the User Guide Make sure hotkey software is up to date Check settings in Control Panel Make sure the function keys are not locked Check any...